Calgary Real Estate Market Outlook: A Balanced Transition from 2024 to 2025

As we step into the new year, the Calgary real estate market reflects a combination of stability and ongoing challenges shaped by both supply and demand dynamics. December’s sales figures, though slightly down from 2023, demonstrate a market that continues to outpace long-term trends, thanks to significant gains in higher-priced homes.

A Year in Review: 2024 Market Summary

In December 2024, Calgary recorded 1,322 home sales, a 2.9% decline year-over-year. While this marks a slight dip compared to 2023, it is still a notable 20% higher than the long-term historical average for December. This figure underscores how Calgary’s market has remained relatively strong despite some underlying challenges.

Over the course of 2024, total sales came in just shy of 2023's levels. Higher-priced homes saw a notable uptick in activity, while the lower end of the market experienced some pullback due to ongoing supply challenges. According to Ann-Marie Lurie, Chief Economist at CREB®, the gains in the upper price tiers helped to offset the softness in the more affordable segments. A key factor behind this was the ongoing population growth in Calgary, which continues to fuel overall demand.

However, the real limitation in 2024 was the scarcity of inventory, particularly in the lower price ranges. “Sales would likely have been higher if there was more supply choice, especially in the lower price ranges,” Lurie explains. While the market remained strong, the lack of available homes, especially in affordable segments, created a bottleneck, keeping overall sales from surpassing the previous year’s performance.

Improved Supply, Stabilizing Prices in the Second Half

One positive trend in 2024 was the gradual improvement in housing supply, particularly in the second half of the year. Inventory levels increased due to a boost in new listings in both the resale and new home markets. As of December 2024, Calgary had 2,989 available units, marking a significant improvement over the tight conditions seen in early 2024 and at the same time in 2023. While still below long-term trends, this increase in supply helped alleviate some of the pressure on home prices.

This improvement in inventory, combined with more rental choices and a surge in new home activity, played a critical role in stabilizing the market. After the steep price increases seen in the spring, home prices plateaued during the latter half of the year. Despite this stabilization, the overall residential benchmark price saw an annual increase of more than 7%. While price growth slowed in the latter part of 2024, it was still a year of notable appreciation.

The Road Ahead: What to Expect in 2025

As we head into 2025, the overarching theme for Calgary’s real estate market will remain the supply side of the equation. The dynamics of inventory will continue to shape price trends and sales activity, especially as we see more homes being added to the market.

However, the critical question for 2025 is the type of supply entering the market and how demand will respond in the face of a shifting economic landscape. Economic factors such as interest rates, inflation, and broader market conditions will have a direct impact on homebuyer behavior and demand levels.

It is important to note that while more supply has helped alleviate some of the pressure on prices, it has not fully solved the challenges in the more affordable housing segments. If the demand for lower-priced homes remains strong, and if inventory in these price ranges does not sufficiently rise to meet that demand, we could see upward pressure on prices for homes in the affordable categories.

CREB®’s upcoming forecast report, set for release on January 21, will offer further insights into the expectations for Calgary’s real estate market in 2025. It will outline potential risks, including economic factors and supply-demand imbalances, while providing a closer look at the market’s future trajectory.

Conclusion: A Market in Transition

The Calgary real estate market in 2024 was marked by resilience despite ongoing supply issues. With higher sales in more expensive categories helping to offset slowdowns in the lower price points, the market showed its ability to adapt. Moving into 2025, the market’s performance will largely hinge on the pace and type of new supply, alongside broader economic conditions that will shape demand.

For homebuyers and sellers in Calgary, the coming months promise a balanced but cautious market, with inventory levels and price movements largely determined by external economic factors and how well the supply side keeps up with demand.

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نظرة على سوق العقارات في كالغاري: انتقال متوازن من 2024 إلى 2025

بينما نبدأ العام الجديد، يعكس سوق العقارات في كالغاري مزيجاً من الاستقرار والتحديات المستمرة التي شكلتها ديناميكيات العرض والطلب. أرقام المبيعات لشهر ديسمبر، رغم انخفاضها قليلاً مقارنة بعام 2023، تُظهر سوقاً لا يزال يتفوق على الاتجاهات طويلة المدى بفضل الزيادات الكبيرة في المنازل ذات الأسعار المرتفعة.

عام في المراجعة: ملخص سوق 2024

في ديسمبر 2024، سجلت كالغاري 1,322 عملية بيع، بانخفاض قدره 2.9% عن العام السابق. وعلى الرغم من أن هذا يشير إلى تراجع طفيف مقارنة بعام 2023، إلا أنه لا يزال أعلى بنسبة 20% من متوسطات المدى الطويل لشهر ديسمبر. تعكس هذه الأرقام كيف أن سوق كالغاري ظل قوياً نسبياً على الرغم من بعض التحديات الأساسية.

على مدار عام 2024، جاءت المبيعات الإجمالية أقل بقليل من مستويات عام 2023. شهدت المنازل ذات الأسعار المرتفعة زيادة ملحوظة في النشاط، بينما شهدت الفئات السعرية الأدنى بعض التراجع بسبب تحديات العرض المستمرة. وفقاً لأن-ماري لوري، كبير الاقتصاديين في CREB®، فإن الزيادة في الفئات الأعلى من الأسعار ساعدت في تعويض الضعف في الفئات الأكثر قدرة على التحمل. كان أحد العوامل الرئيسية وراء هذا هو النمو السكاني المستمر في كالغاري، الذي يواصل دعم الطلب العام.

ومع ذلك، كان التحدي الأكبر في عام 2024 هو ندرة العرض، خاصة في الفئات السعرية الأدنى. وتوضح لوري: "من المحتمل أن تكون المبيعات أعلى إذا كان هناك مزيد من الخيارات في العرض، خاصة في الفئات السعرية الأدنى". على الرغم من أن السوق ظل قوياً، فإن نقص المنازل المتاحة، خصوصاً في الفئات القابلة للتحمل، خلق عنق زجاجة، مما حال دون تجاوز المبيعات للعام السابق.

تحسن العرض، واستقرار الأسعار في النصف الثاني

أحد الاتجاهات الإيجابية في عام 2024 كان التحسن التدريجي في العرض العقاري، خاصة في النصف الثاني من العام. ارتفعت مستويات المخزون بفضل زيادة في القوائم الجديدة في أسواق العقارات المستعملة والمنازل الجديدة. حتى ديسمبر 2024، كان هناك 2,989 وحدة متاحة في المخزون، وهو تحسن كبير مقارنة بالظروف الضيقة التي كانت سائدة في أوائل عام 2024 وفي نفس الوقت من العام 2023. وعلى الرغم من أن هذا الرقم لا يزال أقل من المتوسطات طويلة المدى، فإن هذا التحسن في العرض ساعد في تخفيف الضغط على أسعار المنازل.

لقد لعب هذا التحسن في العرض، إلى جانب زيادة الخيارات الإيجارية والطفرة في نشاط المنازل الجديدة، دوراً أساسياً في استقرار السوق. بعد الزيادة الحادة في الأسعار التي شهدها الربيع، استقرت أسعار المنازل في النصف الثاني من العام. على الرغم من هذا الاستقرار، شهدت الأسعار السنوية للمنازل زيادة بنسبة أكثر من 7%. وعلى الرغم من أن نمو الأسعار قد تباطأ في الجزء الأخير من عام 2024، إلا أنه كان عاماً من الزيادة الملحوظة.

الطريق إلى الأمام: ماذا نتوقع في 2025

بينما ننتقل إلى عام 2025، سيظل الموضوع الرئيسي في سوق كالغاري هو العرض. ستستمر ديناميكيات المخزون في تشكيل الاتجاهات السعرية والنشاط البيعي، خاصة مع إضافة المزيد من المنازل إلى السوق.

ومع ذلك، فإن السؤال الحاسم لعام 2025 هو نوع العرض الذي سيدخل السوق وكيف ستستجيب الطلبات في ظل تغير المناخ الاقتصادي. ستؤثر العوامل الاقتصادية مثل أسعار الفائدة والتضخم وظروف السوق العامة بشكل مباشر على سلوك المشترين والطلب في السوق.

من المهم أن نلاحظ أنه في حين أن توافر المزيد من المنازل قد ساعد في تخفيف الضغط على الأسعار، فإنه لم يحل تماماً التحديات في فئات السكن ذات الأسعار المعقولة. إذا استمر الطلب على المنازل ذات الأسعار المنخفضة، ولم يرتفع العرض بشكل كافٍ لتلبية هذا الطلب، فقد نشهد ضغوطاً على الأسعار في الفئات الميسورة.

سيصدر تقرير التوقعات من CREB® في 21 يناير، والذي سيقدم مزيداً من الرؤى حول توقعات سوق العقارات في كالغاري لعام 2025. سيتناول التقرير المخاطر المحتملة، بما في ذلك العوامل الاقتصادية وعدم التوازن بين العرض والطلب، مع تقديم نظرة أقرب على مسار السوق في المستقبل.

الخاتمة: سوق في مرحلة انتقالية

كان سوق العقارات في كالغاري في عام 2024 علامة على المرونة على الرغم من مشاكل العرض المستمرة. ومع زيادة المبيعات في الفئات ذات الأسعار المرتفعة التي ساعدت في تعويض التباطؤ في الفئات الأدنى، أظهر السوق قدرته على التكيف. مع دخولنا عام 2025، سيعتمد أداء السوق إلى حد كبير على وتيرة ونوع العرض الجديد، إلى جانب الظروف الاقتصادية الأوسع التي ستشكل الطلب.

بالنسبة للمشترين والبائعين في كالغاري، يعد الأشهر القادمة بسوق متوازن ولكن حذر، حيث سيحدد توازن المخزون وحركات الأسعار إلى حد كبير من خلال العوامل الاقتصادية الخارجية وكيفية تلبية العرض للطلب.

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Exciting News for Homebuyers: Interest Rates Drop in Canada!

Hello, everyone! 🎉

Today, we received some promising news for prospective homebuyers in Canada. The Bank of Canada has announced a decrease in the interest rate from 4.25% to 3.75%. This drop opens up new opportunities for many of you looking to make your next big move in real estate!

What’s Driving This Change?

Several factors have contributed to this significant rate reduction:

  1. Inflation Rates: In September, Canada’s inflation rate stood at a manageable 1.6%. This is well below the levels we’ve seen in previous years, indicating that the cost of living is stabilizing, which is great news for consumers and the economy as a whole.

  2. Economic Performance: The Canadian economy has shown signs of weakness and has been flat over recent months. Economic indicators suggest that growth isn’t quite where the Bank of Canada had hoped it would be, prompting this proactive decision to stimulate activity.

  3. Employment Trends: Employment rates have also remained relatively flat, signaling that the job market isn’t growing as robustly as anticipated. This could be affecting consumer confidence and spending, which are crucial for economic recovery.

What Does This Mean for Homebuyers?

For households, this interest rate drop means one thing: it’s a fantastic time to buy! Lower interest rates can significantly reduce monthly mortgage payments, making homeownership more accessible. Here are a few reasons why you should consider taking action now:

  • Affordability: With reduced rates, you can afford a larger home or more desirable neighborhood without stretching your budget.

  • Increased Buying Power: Lower rates mean you can get more house for your money, helping you secure the home of your dreams.

  • Investment Potential: If you’re considering investing in real estate, now is an opportune time. A lower mortgage can lead to better cash flow and returns in the long run.

What’s Next?

While this drop in interest rates is great news, it's essential to keep an eye on the upcoming announcement in December. The Bank of Canada will provide further insights into their economic outlook, which may impact future rates.

As your trusted real estate agent, I’m here to help you navigate this exciting market. Whether you’re a first-time buyer, looking to upgrade, or considering an investment property, let’s connect and explore the opportunities available to you!

Don’t wait—take advantage of this drop in interest rates while you can! Reach out today to discuss your real estate goals and let’s make them a reality!

Happy house hunting! 🏡✨

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أخبار رائعة للمشترين: انخفاض أسعار الفائدة في كندا!

مرحبًا بالجميع! 🎉

اليوم، تلقينا بعض الأخبار المشجعة للمشترين المحتملين في كندا. أعلن بنك كندا عن خفض سعر الفائدة من 4.25% إلى 3.75%. هذا الانخفاض يفتح أبوابًا جديدة للكثيرين منكم الذين يتطلعون للقيام بخطوتهم الكبيرة التالية في مجال العقارات!

ما الذي يدفع هذا التغيير؟

هناك عدة عوامل ساهمت في هذا الانخفاض الملحوظ في الأسعار:

معدلات التضخم: في سبتمبر، بلغ معدل التضخم في كندا 1.6%، وهو أقل بكثير من المستويات التي شهدناها في السنوات السابقة، مما يشير إلى استقرار تكاليف المعيشة، وهو خبر جيد للمستهلكين والاقتصاد ككل.

الأداء الاقتصادي: أظهرت الاقتصاد الكندي علامات ضعف وحقق أداءً ثابتًا في الأشهر الأخيرة. تشير المؤشرات الاقتصادية إلى أن النمو ليس كما كان يأمل بنك كندا، مما دفعه لاتخاذ هذا القرار الاستباقي لتحفيز النشاط.

اتجاهات التوظيف: ظلت معدلات التوظيف أيضًا ثابتة نسبيًا، مما يدل على أن سوق العمل لا ينمو كما كان متوقعًا. يمكن أن يؤثر ذلك على ثقة المستهلك والإنفاق، وهما أمران حيويان لاستعادة الاقتصاد.

ماذا يعني هذا للمشترين؟

بالنسبة للأسر، يعني هذا الانخفاض في أسعار الفائدة شيئًا واحدًا: إنه وقت رائع للشراء! يمكن أن يؤدي انخفاض أسعار الفائدة إلى تقليل المدفوعات الشهرية للرهن العقاري بشكل كبير، مما يجعل ملكية المنزل أكثر سهولة. إليكم بعض الأسباب التي تجعلكم تفكرون في اتخاذ إجراء الآن:

القابلية: مع انخفاض الأسعار، يمكنك تحمل منزل أكبر أو حي أكثر جاذبية دون تجاوز ميزانيتك.

زيادة القوة الشرائية: يعني انخفاض الأسعار أنك تستطيع الحصول على منزل أكبر مقابل أموالك، مما يساعدك على تأمين المنزل الذي تحلم به.

إمكانات الاستثمار: إذا كنت تفكر في الاستثمار في العقارات، فإن الآن هو الوقت المناسب. يمكن أن يؤدي انخفاض الرهن العقاري إلى تدفق نقدي أفضل وعائدات على المدى الطويل.

ما هو التالي؟

بينما يعد هذا الانخفاض في أسعار الفائدة أخبارًا جيدة، من المهم متابعة الإعلان القادم في ديسمبر. سيقدم بنك كندا مزيدًا من الرؤى حول توقعاته الاقتصادية، والتي قد تؤثر على الأسعار المستقبلية.

كوكيل عقاري موثوق، أنا هنا لمساعدتك في التنقل في هذا السوق المثير. سواء كنت مشتريًا لأول مرة، أو تتطلع للترقية، أو تفكر في عقار استثماري، دعنا نتواصل ونستكشف الفرص المتاحة لك!

لا تنتظر—استفد من هذا الانخفاض في أسعار الفائدة بينما يمكنك ذلك! اتصل بي اليوم لمناقشة أهدافك العقارية ولنجعلها حقيقة!

أتمنى لكم رحلة ممتعة في البحث عن المنزل! 🏡✨

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أخبار رائعة لمالكي المنازل : برنامج اتحادي جديد لإضافة شقق للإيجار

أطلقت الحكومة الفيدرالية برنامجًا جديدًا لإعادة تمويل الرهن العقاري يهدف إلى مساعدتكم في إنشاء مساحات سكنية إضافية، مثل شقق القبو أو المرائب المحولة.

ابتداءً من يناير 2025، ستجعل هذه الخيارات المعتمدة لإعادة التمويل من السهل إنشاء وحدات للإيجار، مما يساعد أيضًا مالكي المنازل في إدارة تكاليف الرهن العقاري المتزايدة. كان هناك برنامج مشابه حتى عام 2016، لكنه أُوقف لتخفيف حدة سوق الإسكان. مع تزايد نقص المساكن، عاد البرنامج ليمنح مالكي المنازل فرصة لتوليد دخل من الإيجار.

كما أكدت الحكومة، "ستوفر الشقق الجديدة المزيد من المساكن للكنديين ويمكن أن تكون مصدر دخل مهمًا لكبار السن الذين يواصلون العيش في منازلهم."

الميزات الرئيسية للبرنامج:

  • الأهلية: يجب على مالكي المنازل أن يعيشوا في إحدى الوحدات الحالية (أو أن يكون لديهم قريب مقرب يعيش هناك) وينوون إضافة وحدات جديدة.

  • إعادة التمويل: يتيح البرنامج الوصول إلى إعادة تمويل مؤمن لدعم إنشاء وحدات إضافية.

  • مواصفات الوحدات: يجب أن تكون الوحدات الجديدة مكتفية ذاتيًا، مثل شقق القبو أو المنازل الجانبية، ويجب أن تتوافق مع القوانين المحلية. لا يُسمح بالإيجارات قصيرة الأجل، مثل Airbnb.

  • عدد الوحدات: يمكن أن يكون لديك ما يصل إلى أربع وحدات على ممتلكاتك، بما في ذلك المنزل الحالي.

  • قيمة العقار: يجب أن تكون القيمة "المحسنة" للعقار أقل من 2 مليون دولار.

  • نسبة القرض إلى القيمة (LTV): يمكن للمالكين إعادة التمويل حتى 90% من قيمة عقارهم، بما في ذلك الوحدات الجديدة.

  • مدة السداد: يمكن أن تمتد إلى 30 عامًا.

  • تكاليف المشروع: لا يمكن أن تتجاوز التمويلات التكلفة الإجمالية للمشروع.

قد يكون هذا البرنامج خيارًا رائعًا إذا كنت تفكر في إضافة وحدة للإيجار أو توسيع مساحة المعيشة للعائلة.

ومع ذلك، من الضروري فهم التكاليف المرتبطة وكيف يمكن أن تؤثر إعادة التمويل على وضعك المالي. إذا كنت مهتمًا بمعرفة ما إذا كان هذا البرنامج مناسبًا لك، فلا تتردد في التواصل. يمكنني مساعدتك في استكشاف التفاصيل وتقييم خياراتك!

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New Federal Program for Rental Suites

Exciting Update for Homeowners

Homeowners, get ready for some exciting news! The federal government has launched a new mortgage refinancing program aimed at helping you create additional living spaces, such as basement apartments or converted garages.

Beginning January 2025, this insured refinancing option will simplify the process of establishing rental units, which can also aid homeowners in managing increasing mortgage expenses. A similar initiative existed until 2016 but was discontinued to cool the housing market. With housing availability becoming increasingly limited, the program is making a comeback, offering homeowners the chance to generate rental income.

As the government highlighted, “New rental suites would provide more homes for Canadians and could provide an important source of income for seniors continuing to age at home.”

Key Features of the Program:

  • Eligibility: Homeowners must reside in one of the current units (or have a close relative living there) and intend to add new units.

  • Refinancing: The program allows access to insured refinancing to support the creation of additional units.

  • Unit Specifications: New units must be self-contained, such as basement suites or laneway homes, and must comply with local zoning regulations. Short-term rentals, like those listed on Airbnb, are not permitted.

  • Number of Units: You can have up to four units on your property, including your existing home.

  • Property Value: The “as improved” value of the property must be under $2 million.

  • Loan-to-Value (LTV): Homeowners can refinance up to 90% of their property’s value, which includes the new units.

  • Amortization: Terms can extend up to 30 years.

  • Project Costs: Financing cannot exceed the total cost of the project.

This program could be a fantastic option if you’re thinking about adding a rental unit or expanding your living space for family.

However, it’s crucial to understand the associated costs and how refinancing might affect your financial situation. If you’re interested in exploring whether this program is right for you, feel free to get in touch. I can guide you through the details and help you assess your options!

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Calgary Real Estate Update: September 2024 Sales Report

The Calgary real estate market experienced a notable shift in September, with total sales reaching 2,003 units. While this figure marks a 17 percent decrease from last year's record high, it's worth noting that it remains over 16 percent higher than the typical sales figures for this time of year. Rising activity in the upper price ranges hasn't quite been enough to offset a pullback in the lower price segments.

Ann-Marie Lurie, Chief Economist at CREB®, shared her insights: “We are starting to see a rise in new listings in our market. However, most of the listing growth is occurring in the higher price ranges. While demand has stayed strong across all price ranges, the limited choice for lower-priced homes has likely prevented stronger sales in our market. While the challenges in the lower price ranges are not expected to change, improved supply combined with lower lending rates should keep demand strong throughout the fall, but without the extreme seller market conditions that contributed to the rapid price growth earlier this year.”

New Listings and Inventory

September saw new listings surge to 3,687 units, marking the highest total for the month since 2008. This increase has contributed to a boost in inventory levels, which reached 5,064 units—nearly double the exceptionally low spring figures but still below the typical 6,000 units we expect to see in September.

As inventory continues to improve, the market is gradually shifting toward more balanced conditions. The months of supply in September climbed to 2.5 months, a positive shift from last year’s record low, though the market still leans in favor of sellers.

Impact on Home Prices

The added supply has alleviated some of the upward pressure on home prices observed in previous months. In September, the unadjusted benchmark price stood at $596,900, slightly lower than the previous month but over five percent higher than last year. Year-over-year gains varied widely, with detached homes seeing nearly nine percent growth and apartment condominiums experiencing close to 14 percent increases. These gains have outpaced the overall growth in residential prices, primarily due to the changing composition of sales.

Looking Ahead

As we move into fall, the real estate market in Calgary remains dynamic. With improved supply and lower lending rates, we can expect continued strong demand. However, the challenges in the lower price ranges are likely to persist. Keep an eye on the market as we navigate these evolving conditions!

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Calgary Real Estate Market Report

As we move into September, the Calgary housing market is showing notable changes from the intense sellers' conditions experienced earlier this year. Recent trends indicate a shift toward a more balanced market, driven by easing sales and an increase in supply.

Key Highlights:

  1. Increased Supply: In August, the months of supply surpassed two, a level we haven’t seen since late 2022. With inventory reaching 4,487 units, this marks a 37% increase from last August, although it still sits nearly 25% below long-term averages for this time of year.

  2. Shifts in Sales Activity: August recorded 2,186 sales, down 20% from last year’s peak but still 17% higher than the long-term average for the month. Notably, the decline was most pronounced for homes priced under $600,000.

  3. Price Growth Slowing: Following a period of strong growth, the pace of price increases is starting to slow. The unadjusted residential benchmark price in August stood at $601,800, which is 6% higher than last year, though it saw a slight dip compared to July. Year-to-date, the average benchmark price has risen by 9%.

Insights from CREB®

Ann-Marie Lurie, Chief Economist at CREB®, notes that the uptick in new home construction and new listings is contributing to a better-supplied market. However, she emphasizes that supply levels remain particularly low for more affordable properties, indicating that achieving a balanced market will take time.

What’s Next?

As we head into the fall, it will be interesting to see how these trends continue to evolve. While the market is gradually stabilizing, prospective buyers should remain aware of ongoing supply challenges in the lower price segments.

Stay tuned for more updates as we navigate the changing landscape of Calgary’s housing market!

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Federal government raises CMHC mortgage cap to $1.5M and expands 30-year amortizations for first-time buyers

Today, the federal government introduced significant reforms to Canada's mortgage system aimed at improving housing affordability and accessibility.

One of the most notable changes is the increase in the maximum value for CMHC-insured mortgages, raising the cap from $1 million to $1.5 million. This adjustment allows buyers to qualify for a mortgage with a down payment of less than 20% on homes priced up to $1.5 million, making higher-priced properties more accessible.

This policy change is intended to assist buyers in high-cost housing markets, where surging prices have made it difficult for many to secure insured mortgages under the previous $1 million limit.

Additionally, the government has extended the option for 30-year amortization periods to all first-time homebuyers. Previously available only for new constructions, this change is aimed at easing the financial strain on younger buyers by spreading payments over a longer period, thereby lowering monthly mortgage costs.

Both measures are set to take effect on December 15, 2024.

These reforms come in response to increasing concerns about housing affordability. Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland highlighted that the changes are designed to make homeownership more attainable for Canadians and address ongoing challenges in the housing market.

"Building on our action to help you afford a down payment, we are now making the boldest mortgages reforms in decades to unlock homeownership for younger Canadians," she said.

The government will soon introduce regulatory amendments to implement these changes, with further details to be released in the coming weeks.

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🚨 Breaking News: Bank of Canada Cuts Rates Again! 🚨

Big update! The Bank of Canada just announced its third rate cut of the year, lowering the policy rate by 0.25% to 4.25%. 💰

Banks will likely adjust their prime rates within a few days, so keep an eye out! 👀

The next rate decision is set for October 23—will we see another cut? Stay tuned!

#BankOfCanada #InterestRates #MortgageUpdate #FinancialPlanning

Read more!


The Pros and Cons of Buying a Pre-Construction Condo in Calgary


Calgary’s real estate market has seen significant evolution in recent years, with pre-construction condos becoming increasingly popular among first-time buyers and investors alike. The appeal of purchasing a Calgary pre-construction condo lies in the potential for customization, modern amenities, and the promise of owning a brand-new home. However, as with any real estate investment, there are both benefits and drawbacks to consider. This blog post will explore the pros and cons of buying a pre-construction condo in Calgary, helping you make an informed decision.

1. The Pros of Buying a Calgary Pre-Construction Condo

1.1. Potential for Appreciation

One of the most significant advantages of purchasing a Calgary pre-construction condo is the potential for property appreciation. When you buy a property before it's built, you're essentially locking in the current market price. As the construction progresses and the project nears completion, the value of your condo may increase, especially in a growing city like Calgary. This can result in substantial financial gains if the market remains favorable.

1.2. Customization Options

Another attractive aspect of buying a pre-construction condo is the ability to personalize your living space. Developers often offer buyers the opportunity to choose finishes, fixtures, and layouts that suit their tastes. Whether it's selecting the type of flooring, kitchen cabinets, or bathroom tiles, you can create a home that reflects your style. This level of customization is rarely available in resale properties and is a significant draw for those looking to design their ideal living space.

1.3. Newer Amenities and Modern Living

Pre-construction condos in Calgary typically come with a range of modern amenities that appeal to today’s buyers. These can include state-of-the-art fitness centers, rooftop terraces, swimming pools, and communal lounges. Additionally, newer buildings are often more energy-efficient and built to the latest building codes, reducing maintenance costs and ensuring a more sustainable living environment. For buyers interested in the latest conveniences, a Calgary pre-construction condo is a compelling option.

2. The Cons of Buying a Calgary Pre-Construction Condo

2.1. Uncertainty and Delays

One of the main drawbacks of purchasing a Calgary pre-construction condo is the uncertainty associated with the construction timeline. Delays are not uncommon in the building process due to various factors such as weather conditions, labor shortages, or supply chain issues. These delays can be frustrating, especially if you have a specific move-in date in mind. Additionally, there's the risk that the developer might not deliver on all promises, leading to potential disappointments upon completion.

2.2. Financing Challenges

Financing a pre-construction condo can be more complicated than purchasing a resale property. Lenders may require a higher down payment, and mortgage rates might change between the time you sign the contract and when the condo is ready for occupancy. Furthermore, since the property doesn’t exist yet, some buyers might find it challenging to secure a mortgage. It’s crucial to work with a knowledgeable mortgage broker who understands the intricacies of financing a Calgary pre-construction condo.

2.3. Limited Negotiation Power

When buying a pre-construction condo, your ability to negotiate the price or terms is often limited. Developers usually set fixed prices and are less inclined to offer discounts or incentives, especially in a hot market. This lack of flexibility can be a disadvantage compared to purchasing a resale property, where there's often more room for negotiation. Additionally, while developers might offer incentives like upgraded appliances or a parking spot, these may not compensate for the higher upfront costs associated with pre-construction purchases.

3. Financial Considerations and Risks

3.1. Market Volatility

Real estate markets can be unpredictable, and purchasing a Calgary pre-construction condo comes with the risk of market volatility. If the market declines before the project is completed, you might end up paying more than the condo’s market value. This situation can be particularly challenging if you plan to sell the property shortly after completion, as you might face a loss. Buyers need to carefully assess market trends and consider the long-term potential of their investment.

3.2. Deposit Structure

When buying a pre-construction condo, you’ll typically be required to make a series of deposits throughout the construction period. These deposits can add up to a significant amount, often 15-20% of the purchase price. While this staggered payment schedule allows for better financial planning, it also ties up a substantial amount of your capital for an extended period. Additionally, if you decide to back out of the purchase, you may forfeit your deposits, depending on the terms of your contract.

3.3. Potential for Additional Costs

There are often hidden costs associated with purchasing a Calgary pre-construction condo that buyers may not initially consider. These can include development charges, occupancy fees, and adjustments at closing. It's important to budget for these potential expenses and consult with a real estate professional who can help you navigate these additional costs. Failing to account for these expenses can lead to financial strain and diminish the overall profitability of your investment.

4. Understanding the Legal Aspects

4.1. Review the Purchase Agreement

The purchase agreement for a pre-construction condo is a complex legal document that outlines your rights and responsibilities as a buyer. It’s essential to have this agreement reviewed by a real estate lawyer who can explain the terms and conditions, including the developer’s obligations, the deposit structure, and the potential for delays. Understanding these legal aspects is crucial to protecting your investment in a Calgary pre-construction condo.

4.2. Cooling-Off Period

In Alberta, there is typically a cooling-off period after you sign a pre-construction condo purchase agreement. This period allows you to back out of the deal without penalty if you change your mind or if your circumstances change. This cooling-off period provides some peace of mind, but it’s important to be aware of the exact timeframe and any conditions that apply. Discussing this with your real estate lawyer will ensure that you fully understand your rights during this period.

4.3. Tarion Warranty Protection

New condos in Calgary are often covered by the Tarion Warranty, which provides protection against defects in workmanship and materials for a specified period after completion. This warranty offers peace of mind, knowing that if any issues arise with your Calgary pre-construction condo, they will be addressed by the developer. However, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the warranty’s terms and coverage limits to understand what is and isn’t covered.


Buying a Calgary pre-construction condo offers both exciting opportunities and potential risks. From the chance to customize your living space and benefit from property appreciation to the challenges of financing and dealing with construction delays, it's important to weigh the pros and cons carefully. By understanding the financial, legal, and practical aspects of this type of investment, you can make a more informed decision that aligns with your long-term goals.

Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or an experienced investor, the decision to purchase a pre-construction condo requires careful consideration. I hope this blog post has provided you with valuable insights to help guide your decision-making process. If you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts, please leave a comment below! I'd love to hear from you.

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I have sold a property at 125 Covebrook BAY NE in Calgary

I have sold a property at 125 Covebrook BAY NE in Calgary on Jun 21, 2024. See details here

Welcome to 125 Covebrook Bay NE, a beautifully appointed 4-bedroom home nestled in the heart of Calgary’s vibrant and family-oriented Coventry Hills community. This residence is a true standout, offering an exceptional blend of comfort, style, and convenience. Step inside to discover a spacious open-concept layout, perfect for modern living and entertaining. The main level is bathed in natural light and features quartz countertops, adding a touch to the well-equipped kitchen. Upstairs, you'll find a versatile bonus room ideal for a home office, playroom, or media space. The fully developed basement provides additional living space, ideal for a recreation room, gym, or guest suite. Outside, the property sits on a generous pie-shaped lot with a private playground, making it a perfect haven for families. Enjoy the outdoors in the friendly cul-de-sac, where neighbors often gather, fostering a sense of community and safety. Stay comfortable year-round with central air conditioning, and take advantage of the ample yard space for gardening, BBQs, or simply relaxing. Coventry Hills is celebrated for its strong community spirit and superb amenities. This home is just minutes from shopping centre like Superstore, Home Depot, and Canadian Tire. Educational needs are well catered to with nearby schools ranging from kindergarten to senior high, and there are plenty of parks within walking distance. Fitness and recreational enthusiasts will love being close to the Vivo Community Centre, offering a wide range of activities including swimming, basketball, and a full-service gym. Whether it's a workout, a swim, or family fun, Vivo has it all covered. For frequent travelers, the proximity to Calgary International Airport is a significant plus, offering ease and convenience for your journeys. Discover the perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and community at 125 Covebrook Bay NE. Schedule your viewing today and make this exceptional home yours!

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